Writing is hard. Continuously coming up with new ideas – something that will pique the interest of visitors and engage them - is hard. On top of writing captivating content, you need to deliver that content in a variety of different forms for each social network.
How do you maximize the use of your content so that you can leverage a successful topic, spread it across the Internetsphere, and save time?
Content extension. Create one in-depth piece then leverage the information. Breakout the details to create many pieces of content in a variety of forms. Just as kids in school learn differently, many individuals are researching information - looking for the content type that works best for them.
“Content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.” – Jon Buscall
Here is how to extend 1 piece of content into 10:
1. Blog: Start with a blog. This will be your original piece of content. A blog allows you to provide in-depth details on a particular topic. For those researching, this level of detail may be just what they were looking for.
2. Infographic: The benefit of an infographic is that it allows you to visually display facts and figures, or a process in an easy to read format. We are visual learners, with the ability to retain visual information much longer than text. According to the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, after 3 days, memory retention for text is 10%, while results show 65% retention for text + picture. Since infographics are easy to read and retain they are shared widely on social.
3. Images (Photos): Including images or photos of your products, products in use, customers, and your company can help buyers gain insight into your company and how your products are used. You can also use these images to help promote your blog on social and include them on your company website.
4. Video: Produce a 2-3 minute video. You can design a video in the form of a commercial, use video to demonstrate how to setup and use your product, or show how customers are using your product in everyday life.
5. Presentation: Generate a presentation based on the main points or facts of your blog. Leverage the points and some of the graphics you used within your Infographic. Slideshare is a great tool as it is easy to use, free for basic use, your content is easy to share, and does not require a special app for anyone to view.
6. eGuide (a How To or List): Create a ‘How to’ use your product or ‘List’ of tips eGuide as an offer for interested visitors to download. Use this as a lead generation tool.
7. Webinar or live event: Give those interested in your product a chance to participate in a free demo or conversation through a webinar or live video via Periscope or Meerkat. Help them understand the benefits and ask questions about the features how to use your product.
8. Podcasts: Are great for those who don’t have time to read a blog or watch a video – they essentially can listed to your content while running, driving or shopping.
9. Case Study/White Paper: For products that require extensive research, often a white paper or case study can provide the breadth of details and information necessary to make a more informed decision.
10. Newsletter: Break up the content of your blog up into a variety of different articles to include within a newsletter.
Creating a variety of content from one topic also is attractive for many as it allows them to glean information in the manner that works best for them for learning.
"The best & most successful types of content are “uploadable, shareable, and findable.” "– Mary Meeker
Taking your original blog post and turning it into a variety of content types gives you an easy way to reach buyers on a variety of social networks. While you likely focus your efforts on a few social website, creating a new type of content and promoting on a social network that is not your typical focus, might reward you with new buyers.